--Resetting a user’s password—
Ian Feldenzer
First edition
This password reset process is utilized for one or more of the following situations:
- Regaining access to a locked account
- Security issues, such as account takeovers
- Credential issues related to O365
Completing password resets involves using Active Directory Users & Computers (ADUC), as opposed to Entra or Azure AD.
- In ADUC, head to the search menu as circled within the top ribbon, which will bring up the search prompt:
- Once this appears, make sure the two highlighted search parameters are set, so that any name you find can be sought through the whole domain. Type the user’s full name and hit “Find Now,” to display results:
- After you’ve found the user, right click their name and hit “Reset Password”; I recommend using Lastpass.com ‘s Password generator tool, (https://www.lastpass.com/features/password-generator#generatorTool ) as that will generate a temporary 12 character password for the user to log in. After you’ve used Last Pass, Paste the temporary password in OneTimeSecret (https://onetimesecret.com/) so it generates a secure link for you to send to the user. Once you’ve reset the password, it’s a good idea to check “Unlock the user’s account” to unlock the account and let them try with the new password.
- Check with the user and confirm they can log in to the account. In the context of re-gaining access to a compromised account, another password reset may need to be carried out.